
 Exciting news!

The Conservation Council of WA (CCWA) has launched a new website with its own built-in blog.

We encourage Numbat News readers to visit the new website and read the latest about environment and sustainability issues in WA.

CCWAhas also adopted a new logo – it still includes Western Australia’s iconic native Numbat, but it now also contains the new phrase ‘look forward’ to reflect the Council’s focus on building a positive, sustainable future worth looking forward to.

Our website makeover is part of an exciting process where CCWA will be using the latest online tools to engage with more people across WA than ever before! Our website, blogs, facebook page and twitter account provide new ways to keep people informed and ensure a conversation takes place in the community about the critical issues we are facing in WA.

We invite you tocheck out the siteand provide your feedback. This is a work in progress and over the coming months you will see new and exciting functions on the site that will enable people all across WA to take part in campaigns, discussions and community efforts to build a future worth looking forward to.

I have just returned from a short holiday in the United States followed by a conference in Washington DC.   It was quite an experience being at the centre of all that political power, but I did wonder what I could learn in the US that could help us with protecting the environment here in Western Australia. After meeting with some non-government environmental advocacy organisations in including the PEW Environment group and the Sierra Club, I started to realise that there are some key differences and some striking similarities to what we are facing back home.

The images and stories we tend to see through commercial media would make us believe that the USA is so comprehensively controlled by corporate interests that individual citizens or the environment are almost totally ignored. I was therefore surprised to notice a very strong sense of community in the USA. People seemed to identify more readily, and more strongly around particular issues, whether it was the overwhelming community support for the street-art in San Francisco, or the community groups working so hard to prevent coal mining by mountaintop-removal on traditional lands in West Virginia.  These people were prepared to join together around a cause and get active in politically powerful ways that force decision makers to take notice. 

So how do we strengthen the environment, conservation and sustainability community in Western Australia? Part of the answer of course is the Conservation Council itself, and with nearly 100 grass roots community member groups involved with the Conservation Council we already have a strong network covering almost any environmental or sustainability issue you care to name.  It is a constant challenge for us to find new ways to harness this power and potential in effective ways that drive real change, but that’s our job as a peak community group for conservation and sustainability issues in WA.

One of the initiatives we have recently been involved with is a new coalition between groups working to save bushland and forests from the bulldozer. After 200 years of almost indiscriminate land clearing in WA, we have little native vegetation left.  With a renewed push by a pro-development government and a strong economy, the last remaining natural areas are now coming under threat.  In turn, this loss of habitat is placing pressure on our native species such as the endangered black cockatoo. Unique to WA, these characteristic birds need our help to preserve their last remaining habitat before they are driven to extinction. Please log on to http://cockatoosneedyou.org.au/ to get more information about this campaign and to send a message to our political leaders asking them to prevent the extinction of our black cockatoos.   

Another important conservation community-building initiative that we are currently working on is Conservation Week 2010. Every year we hold a week of events and activities run by groups or individuals active around environmental issues in their local community. This is a great way to get to know your local environment group, find out how you can get involved, or even run an event to demonstrate to others what you are already doing and build more support in your local area. Why not be part of the action and organise a bushwalk, a movie night or set up an information stall in your local community during Conservation Week!   This year Conservation Week will be held from October 23-30 and you can find out all about the events planned, or register your own event on the Conservation Council website.

 Support the Conservation Council to build a conservation community in WA  by making a tax-deductable donation here

Call for immediate cessation of logging in low and intermediate rainfall forests

WA’s forest conservation groups have called for an immediate cessation of logging and clearing in jarrah forests in the low and intermediate rainfall zones following the release of the EPA’s ‘Mid-term audit’ of the implementation of the current WA Forest Management Plan (FMP).

 In its audit released today, the EPA has stated,

 ‘[I]t is most unlikely that the jarrah forest in the low and adjacent medium rainfall areas, particularly in the northern forest, can continue to contribute to the jarrah sustained yield and also be consistent with ecologically sustainable forest management (ESFM).

Jess Beckerling from the WA Forest Alliance, WA’s peak forest conservation body, said the EPA’s report confirmed the fears of conservationists that climate change, declining rainfall, dieback and a history of unsustainable logging and mining had placed large parts of the jarrah forest at risk of ecological collapse.

As the EPA has stated in this audit,

[T]he nature and scale of threats to the forest appear to be increasing and the combining of some of these threats over time and in parts of the forest is placing considerable stress on the values of the forest.

“Under these circumstances, all logging and clearing should be stopped immediately in these forests in order to give them some chance of recovery and survival”, said Ms Beckerling.

Piers Verstegen, Director of the Conservation Council, said the EPA report also confirms that management of WA forest industries has suffered from a systematic breakdown in compliance monitoring and a lack of enforcement of conditions put in place to protect the environment.

“We have known for years that government regulators are failing to take the logging industry to task for serious management problems including ongoing breaches of conditions put in place to protect the forests and the species they contain. This situation demonstrates that it is not possible to manage a native forest logging industry in a way that is ecologically sustainable.”

 The EPA says

Governance arrangements related to planning and management of the forest regions need to be reviewed and modified…The current statutory roles of the Conservation Commission, DEC and the Forest Products Commission (FPC) are not effective in ensuring delivery of and compliance with the approved FMP.

Peter Robertson, State Coordinator for the Wilderness Society (WA), supported the EPA’s call for work to commence immediately on a new Forest Management Plan, and said that the new FMP should end all logging, thinning and clearing in WA’s native forests.

Support the Conservation Council – your independent voice for the environment by clicking here

Western Australia’s favourite tourist destination, Margaret River is renowned for its wines, surf, forests and natural beauty. It is difficult to imagine a worse place for a dirty industrial coal mine, but that’s exactly what’s being proposed just 15km from the town.

A coal mine in Margaret River would not only mean more carbon pollution, but would cause devastating impact to the groundwater that vineyards, forests and the town itself relies upon. In Collie, the coal industry is literally sucking aquifers dry by pumping groundwater at a rate two thousand times greater  than it is naturally replenished. We won’t stand by and let this happen in Margaret River.

The Margaret River community is strongly opposed to this coal mining proposal and we are working closely with them to stop the coal mine and keep the coal in the ground.

Earlier today we joined residents from Margaret River and met with Premier Barnett at Parliament House where it was stated very clearly that coal mining is not wanted in Margaret River. The Premier said he would ‘consider’ legislation to protect Margaret River from coal mining, but he refused to make any firm commitments.

Right now, it’s critical that we ramp up our efforts to stop this coal mine before it gains environmental approvals, but we can’t do this without your help.

Please help us to stop the coal mining industry’s plans in Margaret River,
please donate generously to this important cause.

Your 100% tax-deductable donation to this campaign will help the Conservation Council of WA continue to fight the proposal by ACMI and LD Operations to establish an underground coal mine just 15km from Margaret River.

The impact on Margaret River is not the only reason to stop this coal mine.

LD Operations plans to export coal from Bunbury to be burnt in polluting coal fired power stations overseas. Recently, the world’s most respected climate scientist, James Hansen (NASAA) said ‘Coal power stations are death factories – close them’. The only way to ensure that our coal does not contribute to dangerous climate change is to leave it in the ground.

Any assistance you can give to help us win this campaign will be an investment in protecting Margaret River and avoiding dangerous climate change.

donate here and forward this to your friends!

OK, so we may have had to wait a little longer than usual, but our new Labor-Green minority government presents important opportunities to progress environmental issues that have been neglected for far too long in Western Australia. Environmental protection is generally a State responsibility, however there are a range of important areas where decisions are required by the Commonwealth that can make a real difference.

At the Conservation Council we have compiled a list of top priorities for Commonwealth Government action to protect the Environment in WA.

Step in to Protect the Kimberley

Recall the historic intervention by the Commonwealth Hawke Government to prevent the damming of the Franklin River in Tasmania in 1983. That is exactly the sort of intervention that we need to see from the Gillard Government right now in the Kimberley where WA Premier Barnett has announced plans to take Aboriginal lands for a massive industrial gas hub. If this Woodside proposal goes ahead we will not only see WA’s carbon pollution rising out of control, but we will see the end to the unique and pristine Kimberley coast damaged forever, and replaced instead with an industrial development in the middle of the most important calving ground for hump-back whales in the world. Recently the Conservation Council and our member groups released a report  commissioned from the Curtin University Sustainable Tourism Centre demonstrating that this development would have a profound impact on sustainable tourism industries in the Kimberley. There could not be a clearer case for the Commonwealth Government to step in to protect Australia’s world class environmental and cultural heritage in the Kimberley.

Stop the coal expansion

Recently the world’s most highly respected climate scientist Dr. Janes Hansen from NASA said that ‘coal fired power stations are death factories – close them’. With three new coal fired power stations having recently received environmental approvals from the State and a coal mine proposed for Margaret River, urgent action by the commonwealth Government is required before the coal industry begins pouring concrete. The new Minority Government must immediately introduce policies to prevent the massive coal expansion that is planned in Western Australia and must take action as soon as possible to introduce a price on carbon to clean up the rest of our economy.  Recently a lot of our time has been spent assisting the community in Margaret River to stop the proposal to develop an underground coal mine just 15km from Western Australia’s favourite tourist destination. There is only one safe thing to do with our coal deposits in WA and that is to leave them in the ground. We urgently need your assistance with this campaign – please make a tax-deductable donation here – anything you can give helps!

Save our Marine Life

The Commonwealth Government control the majority of Australia’s territorial waters and there is a huge opportunity to create a large network of marine sanctuaries in the South West marine region stretching from Kangaroo Island in South Australia to Shark Bay to the North. This area is home to greater marine biodiversity than the Great Barrier Reef, yet less than 1% is protected. Recent polling suggests that the vast majority of Western Australians want to see strong protection of our marine environment, so the creation of marine parks represents an opportunity for the new Gillard Government to do something popular that will also leave a lasting positive impact for future generations. Visit the Save our Marine Life website for more information and to see how you can get involved with this important campaign.

Protect our animals and their habitat

Western Australia is home to a number species that are listed as endangered under Commonwealth Government environmental legislation. This gives the Commonwealth Environment Minister powers to intervene where developments threaten these species. Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos and Western Ring-tailed Possums are unique to WA, and the survival of these species could depend on the approach taken by the next Environment Minister. Developments like the proposal by the University of Western Australia to clear important bushland at Shenton Park, the proposal by Main Roads WA to extend the Roe Highway through the Beeliar Wetlands, and the ongoing native forest logging in the South West all contribute to loss of critical habitat for our endangered species. These developments all have backing by the state Government and the only hope for these areas now lies with the Commonwealth. Stand by for announcements soon on how you can help to ensure these areas are protected.

If you have not done so already, we encourage you to send an email to Julia Gillard urging her to act on the priority environmental issues for WA have outlined above.

Support the Conservation Council – your independent voice for the environment by clicking here

Any slim credibility attributed to the the Golden Gecko awards for environmental management in the mining industry went out the window this year with the announcement of the 2010 award winners by the Minister for Mines and Petroleum, Hon. Norman Moore.  

Minister Moore said in a media release

“These award winners have demonstrated leadership and excellence in environmental practices in the mineral and petroleum sector,“All of the submissions have demonstrated exceptional environmental management over a range of different projects,”  

Hang on, is this the mining industry we are talking about? Exceptional environmental management?  It sounds almost too good to be true. Well, it is.  

You dont have to dig to far below the overburden of PR in the media release before the orebody underneath starts to look like a much more ugly picture.  

Two of the projects that won awards, and another that was nominated have been rejected by the State’s environmental watchdog, the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) as environmentally unacceptable.These are resource projects operating in some of the worlds most sesitive, unique and pristine environments. These areas should be protected, not turned into quarries.  

Irvine Island in the Kimberley is a good example of an area where mining should not even be considered, yet Pluton Resources, conducting mining exploration there have won a prestigeous environmental award.  

The Conservation Council of WA appealed the decision to allow Pluton to conduct minerals exploration on the Island, and at the time the EPA stated in formal advice to the Appeals Convenor:  

Given the very high conservation values on and surrounding the island, and the currently near-pristine condition of the area, mining is seen as inappropriate”  

 Another project that won a Golden Gecko was Crosslands Resources Jack Hill Iron Ore mine in the unique and stunning Banded Ironstone Formation (BIF) Ranges in the States Mid West. Mining these ranges is just that – it involves removing the entire mountain range and shipping it to China. These ranges are the remnants of an ancient landmass, and, like islands in the landscape, they have developed their own unique floristic communities.  More info on the BIF ranges is here and you can watch a video explainingwhy these ranges need to be protected here.

Windarling Mine Pit in BIF Ranges. Photo: Brian Moyle

The EPA said the Jack Hills mine could go ahead on the provision that representative areas of the ranges and their threatened flora were set aside for conservation. THE EPA have clearly stated that if significant areas are not set aside for conservation then several plant species will likley be driven to extinction in the Mid West. Once again, the EPA advice has not been followed, with the Minister for the Environment since overruling the EPA on several occasions to allow more mines in the BIF ranges.  

Mt. Manning in the BIF Ranges. Photo: Brian Moyle

Most of the mining companies active in the Mid West BIF ranges are backed by Chinese investors, or the Chinese Government who have been lobbying to get an easier ride in the environmental approvals process, which can only mean compromised environmental standards. Keen to placate the Chinese when visiting China in July last year, Premier Barnett stated publicly that his office was ‘intervening’ in the environmental approvals process for Mid-West iron ore companies, and that ‘It should not be business as usual with China.  

It may not be fair to suggest that all this is the fault of Crosslands Resources, but to give them an environmental award for mining in an area which is likely to see the extinction of threatened species makes the Golden Gecko awards look more like a cynical public relations stunt than an award to be proud of.  

The controversial Chevron LNG project on Barrow Island A-Class nature reserve was also nominated for a golden Gecko, and is featured proudly in the glossy brochure for the awards this year.  

Once again, the EPA ruled against the proposal, saying it was environmentally unacceptable, and a threat to endangered sea-turtles and several malmmals that exist only on the Island. Once again, this advice was overturned by Government. Since then the project has had an appalling environmental record including numerous quarantine breaches, killing endangered turtles, and most recently the sinking of a service vessel carrying hundreds of liters of diesel.  

In a previous year the Esperance Port Authority received a Golden Gecko award for dust management before they went on to contaminate the town of Esperance with lead dust. 

Perhaps these awards should be re-named the Golden Gecko Awards for environmental incompetence in the minerals industry.

Support the Conservation Council – your independent voice for the environment by clicking here

Photo: Annabelle Sandes http://www.kimberleywhales.com.au

A new study by the Curtin University Sustainable Tourism Centre identifies plans for a massive polluting LNG industrial site near Broome as a serious threat to the Kimberley’s unique and globally-recognised tourism ‘brand’.

The report entitled “Kimberley Whale Coast Tourism: A review of opportunities and threats” by Dr Michael Hughes and colleagues from Curtin University was commissioned by The Conservation Council in collaboration with two of our most active member groups: Wilderness Society and Environs Kimberley.

The report finds significant opportunities for increased regional economic benefits, including employment, through the burgeoning whale watching industry and enhanced marine protection. Broome is uniquely placed to benefit from whale tourism because of the proximity of the Humpbacks and the fact they are in the area to give birth to calves. The study presents a series of important findings that are at odds with recent government studies and statements on the impact of LNG industrialisation on Broome and Kimberley tourism.

Download a copy of the Kimberley_WhaleCoast_Report[1]

Some key findings:

  • The Kimberley tourism ‘brand’ is based on the unique natural and cultural values of the region, including its wildlife and vast, unspoiled coast and landscapes;
  • Tourism is more valuable to the regional economy than resource projects which return less to the local economy, employ fewer local people and have relatively short lifespans;
  • When iconic brands are damaged – as occurred in the 1970’s with the location of an oil refinery on the Shetland Islands – it takes a lot of time, money and effort to rebuild
  • Currently around 10 tour operators, including Aboriginal run businesses, offer whale-watching experiences out of Broome & the Dampier Peninisula – the site of the proposed LNG hub and port.
  • There appears to be a substantial imbalance between government support for tourism, including Indigenous tourism enterprises, and the far greater level of funding for resource extraction projects.
  • The government needs to recognise the findings of the study which highlight the fact that Broome and surrounding communities do not need large scale industrial projects to secure their economic future.

In particular, WA and Commonwealth Tourism Ministers – Dr Liz Constable and Martin Ferguson – need to stand up for the Kimberley tourism industry and ensure that ill-considered resource projects do not ‘kill the goose that lays the golden egg.’

Environment groups believe Kimberley tourism needs better management and requires much more Indigenous involvement. This can be achieved through expanded Indigenous Rangers programs, creation of new Indigenous Protected Areas (IPAs) and the introduction of a comprehensive licensing and permit system for tourism operators and tourists accessing remote land and sea country.

Support the Conservation Council – your independent voice for the environment by clicking here

While their approach to the environment has in recent times become one of the few points of difference between the major political parties, this election has seen a frustrating similarity in their policy platforms on climate change and other environmental issues.

As a result, voters from both sides of politics who want to see an environmentally responsible government are turning to the Greens in record numbers.

So why is this happening, and just what exactly has been offered up by our Liberal and Labor leaders on the environment?

Climate change or policy change? Both major parties say they are committed to achieving a 5% reduction in Australia’s carbon pollution by 2020, even though the science tells us that 25 – 40% cuts are required by developed countries in this timeframe to stabilise the climate.

Given the massive expansion in polluting industries including 12 new coal fired power stations  planned around Australia (3 in WA), it is very difficult to see how even this inadequate 5% target will be reached at all, especially without a price on carbon.

When the nation’s most respected advisor on the economics of climate change, Professor Ross Garnaut was asked, he said the 5% target was achievable without a carbon price, but it would come at a much greater (and unnecessary) cost to Australians and our economy.

Tony Abbott has at least been clear with the Australian public on this issue: an Abbott Government would not introduce a price on carbon in the next term.

Rather than criticising this for the economic recklessness this represents, in typical Labor form, Prime Minister Gillard has attempted to dress up a delay tactic as a credible policy, announcing that a Labor government would form a ‘people’s assembly’ to discuss the issue for a year before a decision on a carbon price will be made.

Australians know that another year of delay and inaction on climate change will put even the 5% target out of reach for Australia.

In WA alone, a lack of climate policy for the last two years at both State and Commonwealth level has created a window of opportunity for polluting industries, with the EPA projecting a massive 75% increase in carbon pollution from the state over the next few years.

Given this knowledge, it is unsurprising that Gillard’s policy on rebuilding ‘community consensus’ for another year went down like a lead balloon with the electorate.

Since that time, the ALP have struggled to come up with some other pollution-busting initiatives to fill the credibility vacuum.

After announcing a cash-for-clunkers program that looks more like a subsidy to the car industry and an energy efficiency policy that looks more like a subsidy to the commercial property sector, Gillard finally got on to the main game – new coal fired power stations.

But don’t be fooled here either; Gillards policy to prevent new ‘dirty’ coal fired power stations will not apply to the three recently approved by the Barnett Government, and will make little difference to cleaning up the other 9 planned around Australia.

Now, on the eve of tomorrows election, the Australian newspaper has reported that:

“Julia Gillard is prepared to legislate a carbon price in the next term of Government [and that] she would view victory tomorrow as a mandate for a carbon price, provided the community was ready for this step”

This is better than Tny Abbott ruling out a carbon price altogether, however the PRime Minister’s comments can hardly be taken as a committment, and leave maximum wriggle-room for the ALP and the coal industry to continue their appalling inaction for yet another term.

Given this bleak scenario, the substantial number of Australian’s who agreed with Kevin Rudd that climate change is the greatest moral challenge of our time have little choice but to desert both major parties this election.

Predictably, the polls tell us that is exactly what is happening with record numbers reporting their voting intention as supporting the Greens.

Given the lack of action on climate by Gillard and Abbot, one would have thought that other environmental initiatives would be in focus as both sides of politics scramble for opportunities to attract swinging voters. Even here we have been bitterly disappointed.

“Green Army” Before the campaign, Abbott recycled an old Howard policy, announcing a ‘green army’ of people receiving social security benefits who will be put to work planting trees and repairing environmental degradation.

This idea no doubt has some appeal to conservative voters; however it lacks credibility as an environmental policy without any commitment to tackle the fundamental root causes of environmental destruction such as vegetation clearing, pollution, weeds, feral animals and climate change.

Forests or Firewood? On the issue of forests, traditionally a fraught policy area at election time thanks to a powerful forestry industry with many workers in marginal Tasmanian seats, policy announcements have been even more disappointing, with both Liberal and Labor policies a disaster for the environment. Almost 80% of Australians (Galaxy poll) support an end to native forest logging, however instead of delivering this both major parties support the disastrous proposals to burn native forests for energy, and have both made commitments to an extra $20million in taxpayer subsidies for an unsustainable industry that can’t stand on its own without ongoing government assistance.

Saving our Marine Life. On the critical area of marine protection, Abbott filleted a fish for the TV cameras while announcing that he would put Labor’s marine protection process ‘on hold’ if he won government.

With less than 1% of our marine life in Western Australia protected and our fish stocks collapsing, all Labor had to do to better Abbott’s dog-whistle to the fishing sector is announce that they would continue the current process to create marine protected areas off the coast of WA.

Sadly for our environment, this meagre announcement could in fact be the best environmental policy from either major party during this campaign.

Support the Conservation Council – your independent voice for the environment by clicking here

Written and authorised by Piers Verstegen, City West Lotteries House, 2 Delhi St West Perth


Hon. Donna Faragher MLC, Minister for the Environment; Youth

Western Australia’s peak environment group today responded to the launch of a new ‘website program to help students combat climate change’ by pledging to release their own online program to help Ministers to combat climate change.

Conservation Council Director, Piers Verstegen welcomed the new website launched by Environment Minister Hon. Donna Faragher but said “The future of our climate is in the hands of the Minister.”

“It is ironic that the ‘operation climate change’ website contains tips for reducing household energy use by school children, while Minister Faragher has just approved a massive expansion in coal-fired power stations that would contribute to a 75% increase in carbon pollution in WA.”

“Perhaps the Minister does not realise that anything that can be done to reduce emissions by school children will be totally eclipsed by her own recent decisions to support further expansion of our dirtiest form of energy generation in WA”

“The Barnett Government came to power with a promise to develop a ‘Climate Change Strategy for Western Australia’, however so far there has been no progress on this, creating a dangerous window of opportunity for Australias most polluting industries to expand in WA.”

“While a website aimed at school children is worthwhile, we suspect the level of understanding of climate change may be greater among school children than among our current Ministers and political candidates.”

“We call on the Minister to allocate resources to the critical task of developing policies for the State to dramatically reduce greenhouse emissions, rather than developing websites for children who will bear the future costs of the Ministers decisions.”

To assist the Minister, the Conservation Council will develop a new website program to help Ministers combat climate change. Tips will include:

  • How to say NO to new coal fired power stations
  • How to stop subsidising polluting industries and instead make them clean up their act
  • How to purchase renewable energy for government agencies
  • How to protect our native forests from logging to preserve natural carbon stores

Comment: Piers Verstegen 0411 557 892

On August 15, thousands of people will attend the Annual Walk Against Warming. This year the event will be held at the Esplanade Reserve Fremantle, where participants will plant a sea of windmills to show their support for renewable energy. For more information on the event visit www.conservationwa.asn.au

Please support the Conservation Council’s renewable energy campaign by making a tax-deductable donation here

Photo: steve Mckiernan

Media Release – Friday 30 July 2010

Western Australia’s peak environment group today suggested that the annual Walk Against Warming could be the next international tourism drawcard for Perth, to replace the Red Bull Air Race.

The Conservation Council announced that the 2010 Walk Against Warming would be held on Sunday August 15 at Fremantle’s Esplanade Reserve, with participants planting a sea of windmills on a huge map of Western Australia to show support for renewable energy.

Conservation Council Director, Piers Verstegen said “with Western Australia’s carbon pollution projected to soar by 75% in the next few years, and per-capita carbon pollution about to eclipse every other country in the world, our State could become an international focus of people concerned about climate change.

“In years to come, the Walk Against Warming could attract tens of thousands of people from across the globe wanting to help WA cut emissions and replace fossil fuels with renewable energy; especially those from our neighbouring Pacific Islands and other low-lying nations that will be wiped out by rising sea levels if carbon pollution is allowed to continue.

Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettitt said the City of Fremantle was excited about having Walk Against Warming in Fremantle this year.

“It is an event that will attract thousands of people for the most important issue of our generation  and will provide a massive boon to our local hospitality and tourism industry,” he said.

The City of Fremantle is WA’s first carbon neutral local government, and just the second in Australia behind the City of Sydney.

“Perhaps this is not exactly the sort of tourism that the Barnett Government is looking for to replace the Red Bull Air Race, but inaction on climate change by State and Commonwealth Governments may indeed make this embarrassment a reality for WA,” concluded Mr Verstegen

 Comment: Piers Verstegen:  0411 557 892 Brad Pettitt: 0421 372 626

 The Conservation Council is urging people to attend this year’s Walk Against Warming and show their support for renewable energy by planting a sea of windmills at Fremantle’s Esplanade Reserve. People who cannot attend on the day are urged to log on to the Conservation Council’s website to send their message on climate change which will be added to a windmill on the day.

 2010 Walk Against Warming – 12 Noon Sunday August 15 – Esplanade Reserve, Fremantle 

 More information: www.conservationwa.asn.au